Eric Demko's Homepage

I am a software engineer interested in designing ergonomic systems for writing correct, performant, evolvable software. To that end, I study and experiment with the semantics of programming languages, especially drawing on developments in dependent type theory. I strongly believe that formal mathematics is a powerful tool to sharpen one's ideas, and is especially under-used in software development, where fuzzy ideas breed bugs.

I currently work for Layer 3 Communications in the Advanced Services division, where I use Haskell to help build high-performance SIEM, NPM, and related network management tooling. This work allows us to contribute open source Haskell libraries that improve the ecosystem's ability to operate on contiguous data, unlifted/unboxed data, and networking standards-related data.



Language Building Tools

System Administration Utilities

The Zedo Build System

Inspired by DJB's redo proposal, I periodically experiment with improvements to the interface and specification. These are still not quite stable or fully-featured, but every time I look at it again, I get a little closer.

Job Stuff

Language Experiments

This section is more for my own notes. I frankly have too many irons in the fire/pots on the stove/planes in the sky/whatever, and it's nice to have some sort of overview.

Random Corner